At a boarding school in Japan, a school girl named Kyoko Moto writes in a diary, who she names Kiki like how Anne Frank named her diary Kitty. Kyoko and her five friends Shizuyo, Yuko, Hiroshi, Tatsuya and Kouhei have had troubled pasts which involves their parents and they don't feel like doing anything to solve the problems. One day Kyoko and her five school friends find these little aliens what they call the B.G.S.'s. Short for the Bouncing Glowing Squeakers. These aliens have been scattered all over Japan. Kyoko and her friends are given the mission of searching for the B.G.S.'s by the alien's caretaker who is a professor from outer space. Will these six school children be successful on this quest? And will their quest also help them be at peace with their pasts? Just to let you readers understand the list of dates you see on the contents page are chapters to this story.