From Cyberlife, Wit...
By soulless-hearts
  • Fanfiction
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  • connor
  • connorxhank
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  • rk800
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[Transfered from my A03 account (UncomfortablyYours) to this account] Connor, a prototype RK800 that had originally been assigned deviant cases, is now himself a deviant. Partially. He refuses to admit it in fear of being torn to shred by Amanda and the rest of the CyberLife team. But when he failed to find enough evidence to find the deviants hideout, he had to walk himself through those door once last time. He had expected himself not to return. He had expected to be destroyed and to never see Hank or Sumo every again. He had expected to meet RA9 that day, riding up the elevator to a floor he's never seen before in Cyberlife. It just so happens that he doesn't get to find out what happens, because he's immediately shut off. Good night, Connor. ---------------------------------- Hank Anderson had last seen the android walking off from his desk in the worst moment. Connor had appeared depressed... more human like than he ever had before. He was showing his fear of dying more than he had on that night by the bridge. He had remained true to those words. And how bad had he wanted to call out, to offer to keep Connor hidden, but Fowler had been watching him then. He couldn't. So he went home, spun around a revolver's barrel, and started a new game for a difference reason.

The Desk

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From Cybe...
by soulless-hearts