When I Look At You...
By MercyRose
  • Romance
  • acceptance
  • admire
  • alpha
  • always
  • amy
  • approval
  • assetts
  • beta
  • bite
  • blood
  • blow
  • bond
  • boys
  • bracelet
  • brother
  • cake
  • change
  • claim
  • class
  • connection
  • costumes
  • cry
  • death
  • denial
  • desire
  • dinner
  • eat
  • empty
  • english
  • family
  • fate
  • father
  • feed
  • fight
  • food
  • forever
  • free
  • friends
  • girls
  • grandpop
  • growl
  • harley
  • heart
  • heat
  • hit
  • hoe
  • hold
  • hot
  • hug
  • hunt
  • hurt
  • impatient
  • kiss
  • late
  • layla
  • leave
  • live
  • loss
  • love
  • mama
  • manhandle
  • mark
  • mate
  • mental
  • mine
  • mom
  • mother
  • pack
  • pet
  • princess
  • proud
  • pup
  • pups
  • ride
  • rivalry
  • rogue
  • rub
  • run
  • sad
  • safe
  • scent
  • separate
  • show
  • sibling
  • skank
  • slut
  • sorry
  • steven
  • stevie
  • stranger
  • strong
  • submit
  • sáng
  • taken
  • talent
  • tears
  • upset
  • warning
  • whole
  • wolf
  • zach


Amy is a focused student and just wants to enjoy a care free senior year. Her family is fiercely over protective and she accepted years ago that boys just wasn't worth all the trouble. She would find her mate someday but until then she would just live happily independent. That is until new student, Steven arrives on the first day of school. Fireworks immediately sparked between the two, how hard and long will they both fight the burning attraction?

Chapter 1 (Amy) (Edited)

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When I Lo...
by MercyRose