Not Alone (disconti...
By B_rosebud25
  • Romance
  • basketball
  • confidence
  • dance
  • emotions
  • friends
  • happiness
  • happy
  • hardships
  • help
  • life
  • love
  • moving
  • my
  • mystory
  • passion
  • romance
  • sad
  • sadness
  • self
  • story
  • teenromance
  • teens
  • trials
  • youarenotalone


I'm Rose. I'm the weird homeschooled girl that not many people like. I'm not tall but not short. I'm not dumb but not smart. I'm the girl that not many people pay attention to. I'm the girl that gets made fun of for her looks and for making dumb comments sometimes. I have acne compared to all the other girls perfect skin. I play basketball compared to all the other dancers. I'm a tomboy I never wear makeup because I simply hate it. and I hate dresses. sure I have my moments but most the time its jeans and a sweatshirt. I've never had a boy like me. which means I haven't had my first kiss. I'm 16 and my younger sister by almost 2 years has had more interaction with boys then I think I ever will. I thought that things couldn't get worse. but then I found out I was moving out of the house I've lived in my whole life. and let me tell you I am not the most social person. I barely even have any friends here so I mean what's gonna happen? I have bad anxiety. and finding out your moving doesn't help that. I thought everything was gonna suck at this new place. till I met him. Bradley. Cover by. @Psych0pa1h

Chapter 1

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Not Alone...
by B_rosebud25