Supernatural HighSc...
By Mercifully_Killed
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  • itsfunneh
  • itsfunnehandthekrew
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(PLS DO NOT READ THIS STORY, IT'S CRINGEEEEE TvT) well in this story is full of fantasy. in the snhs itsfunneh and the krew are very unique students they stand out the most in there class the teachers and the principal of the school know their capabilities are more great and superior than the other students even greater than the president of the school...the school kept them in so they can contain their abilities so they will not end up like him...he who is very fascinated with his magic that he tried to concour the world but failed and was sealed 3000 years they only wait for the prophecy to keep the world safe , snhs is a very popular and most famous school in Canada...that means many students go here...but sure enough Itsfunneh and the krew will survive and discover the true fact about the school they are going.. (ok imma stop) No more spoilers fo ya'll just read the story the krew and itsfunneh have diffferent color of eyes if they show there powers Itsfunneh and the krew are'nt my characters.. krew: Age: Painting Rainbows 20 =Oldest GoldenGlare 19 =4th ItsFunneh 19 =3rd LunarEclipse 18 =2nd DraconiteDragon 18 =1st these are not their real age in their real life i just made it enjoy the story bu-bai! Rankings (april 5,2019) #3 in Kold #3 Falec #13 ItsFunneh

"bad dream?"

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by Mercifully_Killed