Blue eyes and Ciger...
By kitkatzoo2
  • Fanfiction
  • carlgallagher
  • debbiegallagher
  • fionagallagher
  • frankgallagher
  • gallagher
  • iangallagher
  • karenjackson
  • liamgallagher
  • lipgallagher
  • mandymilkovich
  • mickeymilkovich
  • shameless
  • sheilajackson


Just after turning eighteen, Charlie Cavanaugh is ready to move back to Chicago to live with her father for good. However, due to his job, a majority of her time would be spent with the Gallaghers. Lip in particular. She viewed them all as her family but he would always be different. They were both incredibly smart, both capable of so much and both could be little shits when they wanted to be. They could achieve the greatest things if they used their unbelievable brains. However they enjoyed getting in trouble too much, Lip and her being the masterminds of the marvellous schemes poor Ian would be dragged into. They were each others first everything, first kiss, first date, first relationship (they were 15 and it lasted about a month until they realized it just wasn't meant to be). It would've been weird to call him her brother. With both of them having a reputation of being sluts and a fuck tonne of hidden feelings for each-other. What could ever go wrong ?


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Blue eyes...
by kitkatzoo2