Red Shoes {DISCONTI...
By sslushie_stars
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • comefindme
  • disappearance
  • emotional
  • flowers
  • funtowrite
  • horror
  • journey
  • mystery
  • opennovellacontest2019
  • petals
  • red
  • roses
  • shoes
  • suspense


Raven has woken up from a two-year coma. Upon waking up, she remembered very little of her past; she couldn't even remember the faces of her family members. Five months pass and Raven starts to get up to speed with her past life. She goes back to the daily grind: school work, cleaning the house, talking to friends, and most important...taking care of her younger sister. Though Raven didn't remember her family, they treated her with kindness. Raven grew close with her sister, the two of them became inseparable. That is, until one day, her sister goes missing. Due to the coma, Raven forgot her memories, but there was a certain vision she couldn't get rid of. First, the vision shows a little girl standing in front of a tree. However, the vision changes when a woman appears, back facing Raven just as the little girl did. They shared similar appearances. Will the vision help Raven locate her missing sister? The problem is Raven doesn't know who has taken her. {Cover made with} -Best Ranks- #9 in Shoes #332 in Suspense #170 in OpenNovellaContest2019 #2 in FunToWrite #130 in Petals #802 in Roses

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Red Shoes...
by sslushie_stars