Wild: A LOTR/Harad...
By TheLevy
  • Fanfiction
  • contestentry
  • desert
  • fourthage
  • gondor
  • harad
  • ididntmeantomakeitthislong
  • lotr
  • middleearth
  • numenoreans
  • sand
  • wilderness


Zimruphân is no lord. He is no Gondorian, he is no king. Harad is a harsh place for a weak soul. When scraping together coin as a mercenary, even sinking to a bandit when times are hard, life out on the sands can be an easy way to get killed. That is, if you lack the wits. And Zimruphân's seen his fair share of surprise. However, things will drastically change when a dangerous storm separates him from his mission and the partner he traveled with. Alone, he wanders, until crossing paths with another, beaten stray. While everything is in perspective, would it be a sin to shift his view on the land he inhabits? A Lord of the Rings oneshot for the Distant Lands Awards, taking place in Harad. -- I don't own JRR Tolkien's works (I know, how shocking) and ideas, or the places and backstories used. The picture used in the cover is not mine, and belongs to its respective owner. So yeah, safe to say I own nothing.


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Wild: A L...
by TheLevy