Saving a School (bo...
By MistressMirei
  • Romance
  • basketball
  • boyxboy
  • friendship
  • gay
  • highschool
  • jock
  • lgbt


Ashton and Daniel have been best friends forever. Before last year, they just shared popularity, hottest girls and fame as stars of the basketball team. Now they have even more - they share a tragedy, a new beginning in a new school, they have the same saviour and the same favour to pay back. But for that favour, what they have to do... Rock West High is a good school, if not a little... homophobic. But hey, this is California, that can be easily fixed. All they really need are some pretty and popular gay guys to open everyone's eyes to the 21st century. And if there aren't any, then maybe Ash and Dan will have to take one for the team. The other one, the one they don't actually play for. Just what will it do for the school, what will it do for their friendship and themselves.

For Sarah's Son

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Saving a...
by MistressMirei