I just need to put all of my OmaSai in here just because... I filled up my entire storage with just OmaSai. This M A Y become a oneshot book as well- soo.... yeah... Anyway, thanks! And IdioticWeeabo will help me with some oneshots if that's even happening our not. O b o y I ' m s c r e a m i n g Thanks to the people who are cool: Hilarious commenters: Tnugay, Lilypad, Matenrou, DemonHacker, chocoloco, KaleyCakes, HibiyaMomo32, Quite_The_Weeb, -_Himiko_Yumeno_-, Youre_a_lie, 1-800-OUMASAI, ApocalypseArisen, UniAriYokaifan, KokichiOumaBrasil, king_horse, MotherOfUnholyStakes, oof_IDontKnow, Pink_Fulffy_Unicorns, Madi_lovesFlowers, HereForHeccingTea, AnimeLife309, kockichi_ouma, angie_yonagaa, aBoredBlueberry, ElissahCarmenFeCanto, TododekuIsBoss, katmajor39, The-Sad-Panta-Rat, lifeisgoodenough, DealWithItSwag, PastellPie, MysticCw- Kokichi-the-homo-rat, -Kiiboi, panicMercury21, The-Happy-Gamer-Girl, multishipping-wreck, Narmatsy, kirbyshipsprinxiety, Alien_queen_Mina, Tenko_Chabashira_UwU, sherlock_homo76, Juno_Limesalt, abnaxx, THAT_cosplayer, NorthernAsh_Nordic, 123455ooof, Kokichi-Wuz-Taken, lonewolfofthenight, Bluepurplelady Voters: Chocolateover101, YaoiFangirl, Mayra, PotatoMoosic, HaNoiDoung, Erase_My_Life, LeoTheFireCub, Inkyvirus, ArtiaTheBluePh0enix, Fuzzy188, Raphaelfunayy, Stephoprandi, Uni_connie, Lex_77_Despair_thot, _DarkEdge_Gorl_, PleaseWatchMyVideos, TurlesIsBae892, Firergames, DemonicaAlvares, Buyingcooki, CaptainAlfiel, Ayidakira, Spyoogeekuu, someoneuwu, ShuichiTheEmo, lisaanna444, kristinagorgis, pikaveee, madviolinemogirl17, ChristellaSihombing4, Starry_Atarii, Mental_Breakdown, nerdgeekotaku7, LittleMetalRika, butterflygirl1123, Saiouma666, Rikuonura27, Popcakes, Minegirl70223, tododekugirl, ShuichiSaiharaDR, Lilie_Sky, Animegirl00047, KokichiOuma10, Gaiayandere, Wishes_101, Dazaii_Osamu, dant805, lisaanna444, KawaiiPatootOwO And people who have put this in their library or reading list! ∩^ω^∩ Thanks for reading! Typical Asian,