The Book of Few Wor...
By Hunterwing
  • Non-Fiction
  • language
  • languagelearning
  • languages
  • study
  • studyhelp


This book is here to help people learn a large variety of languages. I've looked into the best methods of language learning and this was what I came up with and I thought it would be a worthy experiment. This book is not going to be useful in itself, but is rather in the comments. I will release each chapter as little more than a prompt of a language and people can write a comment saying if they know the language and are willing to help others learn said language with authentic, real life expectations for what will be used and how they will be used, or someone who does not know the language who is interested in learning it and looking for assistance from someone who's fluent and willing to help. Real interaction and participation is proven to be far more effective than just reading a textbook or following a set of instructions, so I thought this would be a useful resource. If you are looking to learn a new language, or are willing to help others learn your native language(or one you're generally fluent in), I hope you will participate.


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The Book...
by Hunterwing