UNBROKEN-Love and R...
By ElizabethRoderick
  • Non-Fiction
  • autism
  • disability
  • family
  • friendship
  • mentalillness
  • neurodivergence
  • romance


There are a lot of stories out there about autistic people, mentally ill people, and disabled people...but very little of it is written from OUR point of view. We always hear from our parents and exes how unmanageable we are, how toxic, how annoying. They smirk over our oddities and delight in laying our private lives bare in a way that shows what martyrs they are for having to put up with us. There are very few romances about us, and even fewer that show the depth and joy of our relationships. These are true stories of our happily-ever-afters, of our loving families, of our complex friendships. These are windows into the difficulties we face trying to connect with others, express our feelings. This is our chance to tell these stories from OUR point of view-as the ones who are different, who don't know how to act "right", who do things that people see as odd and annoying. If you want to contribute to this anthology, please contact me at elizabethroderick [at] att [dot] net. We accept narrative nonfiction, essays, poetry, graphic novels...anything that shows our relationships from OUR point of view. I will I think be doing this as a series of different stories, so that each person can do more than one chapter if they like, and keep adding to it if they like. I think that will make it easier to read than making each person's piece a different chapter. So, this first book will be my own story.

Elizabeth and Phoenix

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by ElizabethRoderick