Sharp Claws And Sha...
By shadowapple12
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • awesomness
  • fox
  • professor
  • storm
  • wolverine
  • xmen
  • xmenfanfiction


15 year old Mira Kayson is very special. As in special, I mean that she is a mutant! Her journey starts at when she was 10 years old. She runs away from home because she is wanted from killing a man. She had to flee from the police and the mans family before she gets into more trouble than she already is. For five years, she has been living in the woods with a mysterious woman named Mystique. Mystique has the power to transform into anyone she wants. One day, Mystique betrays Mira and she needs to flee again. Then she met Sarah Creed, who was also a mutant. Then one day, their friendship turned south thanks to Sarah's sister, Ashley. She runs to the forest and finds a friend along the way. But one day, she tries to sneak into a gas station to steal food and was caught thanks to her mutation. Then a man with a long brown coat comes and saves her from the store owner with some money. He offers transportation and a home, understanding the situation that she's in. Cover by me. Enjoy!

Chapter one: The beginning

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Sharp Cla...
by shadowapple12