Alpha Kenzo
By living_blind131
  • Werewolf
  • betrayal
  • hot
  • love
  • mates
  • mustread
  • mysterious
  • party
  • sexy
  • the100
  • thriller
  • wattys2019
  • werewolfweek


Vanessa Hughes was shy, innocent, and in love with the man of her dreams...literally. She longed to sleep just so she could see him. She thought he was just a figment of her imagination until she saw him on spring break, in the flesh, only to find out that he dreamed of her too and has a dark secret. Find out what Vannesa's life is like after Mr. Dreamy takes her away from her seemingly perfect life. The hardships she will go through, the hot and steamy, the terrifically thrilling, and mysterious scenes in this romantic story. ***************************************** I stepped out of the tub and looked at myself in the mirror. I hated myself, my life. I got dressed and started to brush my hair. "MINE!" I gasped and threw the brush. It hit the mirror and it busted. I couldn't stand it anymore. I was being tortured. I heard a knock on the door and I walked over to it. "Luna are you okay?" The small voice said from the door. "Fine. Thank you. I just broke a mirror, but don't worry I'll clean it up." I heard her footsteps retreat and then I ran back to the bathroom. I grabbed a piece of the mirror and sat in the tub. *****TRIGGER WARNING***** Then I did it. I cut myself, the cuts themselves weren't deep, but deep enough that the blood rushed out of me. I turned on the shower and sat there. The water turned red and ran down the drain. I didn't wipe my tears away, instead, I let them fall and mix with the blood and water. I heard pounding on the door but I had locked it. My eyes closed and I felt my life leave me slowly.


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Alpha Ken...
by living_blind131