She-Ra and the Prin...
By sapphicscarlett
  • Short Story
  • adora
  • angella
  • bow
  • catra
  • frosta
  • glimmer
  • mermista
  • netossa
  • perfuma
  • seahawk
  • sheraandtheprincessesofpower
  • spinnerella


So, I'm crazy about the show She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which is a reboot by Netflix. I also want to make sure that it is known that I do NOT own any of these characters (unless they are my ocs, in which I will mention that) and I also do not own the show. Now, for the real description: I've noticed that a ton of people have been making some really cool books about this show, and I would like to credit them for inspiring me. I'm not going to say anyone in particular, but great job to all the people who did stuff like this. Anyway, it's just the title: just bunch of scenarios that show the characters from the way I view them, but also memes, vines, jokes, incorrect quotes, thoughts, rants, vents, and countdowns. It's kind of finished, since I can't add any more chapters. Also, please disregard all my dumb theories from before the later seasons came out. Enjoy!


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She-Ra an...
by sapphicscarlett