Scarlett and her Di...
By BubblyPenguin
  • Teen Fiction
  • anaheim
  • arizona
  • cactus
  • california
  • camp
  • france
  • french
  • lyon
  • sahds
  • scarlett
  • spencer
  • summer


Scarlett has always dreamed of the summer romance her mother had: traveling to some European country (either with a band of your classmates or alone) and falling in love. She wants the summer romance that you’d find in novels; you know, the ones where you’d spend countless nights gazing at the stars with ‘the one’. Scarlett’s almost certain that she’ll get her romance this summer—with Pierre, her best friend in France. After all, every summer, Scarlett’s dad, who’s French, would send her off to Lyon, to live with her grandparents. However, a change of plans this year causes Scarlett Mayeaux to remain in the scalding Californian heat. Pissed at the fact that she probably won’t start anything with Pierre this summer, Scarlett is even more shocked when she finds out that her parents will be sending her off to Arizona, to participate in a summer camp known as Camp Cactus. It’s bad enough that she’s going to have to live in the middle of nowhere for the next two months, but things go from bad to worse when Scarlett realizes that she’ll be attending Camp Cactus with her arrogant, picture perfect French cousin, Agnès, who’ll be visiting the States this summer. Agnès is everything Scarlett wished she were: tall, beautiful, skinny, European…It’s bad enough that Agnès looks like a Barbie, but to make things even worse, all the boys at Camp Cactus seem to be chasing after Agnès like lost puppies, dying to get her attention. So now, rejected with a failing love life, Scarlett is having the worst summer of her life. Until, that is, she reconnects with an old childhood friend and meets Spencer, her camp counselor. ---- Hiatus for now. Blame college and the stupid homework that comes with it.

✿Author's Note✿

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by BubblyPenguin