[on hiatus] [under editing] "So what's next?" "Now you have to spread the word. Let the rest of the city's newsies know about the strike." "Ay you heard the man. Split up. Let's spread the word" "I'll take Harlem" "I got Midtown" "I got Bronx" "I'll take Bowery" "Tommy Boy, you take the East Side. And who wants Brooklyn or Queens?" "......" "Aw, come on! Brooklyn and Queens! Spot and [Your name]'s turfs?" ..... "Why is everyone so scared of Brooklyn and Queens?" ~~~~~ It was simple enough, everyone was scared of Queens because that was [Your name]'s turf. And she was most famous for making the Delanceys cry for their mommies. Yeah, if someone did so much as lay a finger on her newsies, let's just say she knew one or two ways to make a body disappear. Needless to say, no newsie was setting a foot in Queens any time soon. But when push came to shove, someone had to tell them about the strike. And Jack made an offer the boys couldn't refuse. 3 dollars to the brave soul willing to cross the East River. And those three dollars caused a whole other mess. I don't own anything but the story and some of the characters.
||Chapter 1||