Soul Switch
By PrincessLhu-luh
  • Fantasy
  • exo
  • exo-k
  • fan-fiction
  • friendship
  • love


There are three distinct types of Body Swapping. Switches can be caused by magic items such as amulets, heartfelt wishes or just strange quirks of the universe. Is it possible that all of these cause happens all together at the same time and on the same two person? Well let's all find out,Shall we? This is the Soul Switch Written by: PrincessLhu-luh The characters and events in this book are purely fictional (some) and are not to be construed as even remotely inspired by persons and events known and unknown to the author. All rights reserved. No parts of  this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, mimeographing or by any information retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright holder. Philippine Copyright 2014 By PrincessLhu-luh Plagiarism is a form of cheating because it's stealing another person's ideas. "STRICTLY DO NOT PLAGIARIZE"

Soul Switch: First Prolouge

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Soul Swit...
by PrincessLhu-luh