Filling The Void
By sammy_96
  • Spiritual
  • hijab
  • islam
  • muslim
  • niqab
  • polygyny
  • revert


After her mother and late father, Eileen Belinda Fowler trusted her instinct the most. She had depended on instinct all her life. It was instinct that made her slap her classmate Danny Johnson when he stole her lunch. When she was stuck in a school fire in the second grade, it was her instinct that told her to trust the man offering her a hand, even though she was told not to trust strangers. Instinct was what had her rip the love letter Danny Johnson had given to her, when she was eight, before even reading it. She kicked her stepfather in the shin when he married her mother, purely on the base of—you guessed it—instinct. Similarly, when she found herself trapped in her own house, it was instinct that led her to Danny Johnson’s doorstep. Similarly, becoming a Muslim was also something her instinct had told her to do. Yet, despite all her rash decisions in life, she had yet to experience regret. Oh well, there’s always a first time for everything, right?


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Filling T...
by sammy_96