That Means that...
By Mubassirah001
  • General Fiction
  • change
  • familly
  • islamic
  • love
  • muslimah
  • new
  • striving


She flicked open her eyes and closed them again as the rays of the sun started brightening the room, fumbling about for her mobile phone, which was supposed to be on the bedside stool... But, she could not feel any stool at all nearby. Alarmed, her eyes flew open and she sat up at once, 'where am I?' Was the only question that occupied her mind, and to which she could not find an answer. She looked around the room, hoping to find something to aid her memory, something to help her identify her location, anything at all... An abrupt knock from the door got her startled to a sharp alertness, her heart was beating fast, almost too fast, as she thought of how to protect herself from whoever was at the other side of the door... The knock came again, increasing her inner turmoil, then the knob turned and the door creaked open, the light almost blinding her as she tried to make out the 'visitor', to be sure of whether or not she definitely needed to protect herself from them. Smiling, he strolled in leisurely into the room, a tray in his hands, 'Good morning', he greeted as he dropped the tray on the bed before her.... 'Who was she actually??' And, of course, 'who was he??'

Chapter 1: My Freedom feels so good

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That Mean...
by Mubassirah001