Dragon made of Steel
By DarthTyrol-3
  • Fantasy
  • aegor
  • agot
  • bastard
  • bittersteel
  • conquest
  • daenarys
  • dragons
  • essos
  • gameofthrones
  • goldencompany
  • got
  • ironthrone
  • kingdom
  • kinginthenorth
  • lannisters
  • revenge
  • sevenkingdoms
  • snow
  • stark
  • targaryen
  • thenorth
  • valyria
  • war
  • westeros
  • whitewalkers


Century's ago the Seven Kingdoms were at war. The bastard Daemon Blackfyre had ripped the Seven Kingdoms apart with his bastard half-brother Aegor Bittersteel. During the Battle of Redgrass Field Aegor wounded his bastard half-brother Brynden Bloodraven taking his eye in the process, Brynden's reply to the maiming was killing his brother Daemon. Aegor fled to Essos and began a mercenary company to help the Bloodfyre's to claim their throne. Now the Bloodfyre's are all but extinct, the Targaryens are all that remain of the dragons and yet war still rages. Euron Greyjoy has arrived to purchase the Golden Company to fight for queen Cersei against the Targaryens, Starks and their allies. The fate of the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms lay in the hands of the young Aegor Bittersteel the Dragon of Steel.

I am a Dragon!!

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Dragon ma...
by DarthTyrol-3