Cross Dimension: Di...
By Boredom_Overlord
  • Fanfiction
  • anime
  • ayato
  • diaboliklovers
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • kanato
  • laito
  • reiji
  • romance
  • sakamaki
  • shu
  • subaru
  • vampires


Today, truck-san hit the wrong person and Y/N was the unfortunate victim of this mistake And now, God is currently apologizing to her. "Even gods make mistakes too." He said...... Hey, am I allowed to punch him? "Ah! I know! How about I reincarnate you like those fanfics? Otakus like that right?" Can I seriously please punch this guy? Seeing how pissed off Y/N looked, he thought better than to provoke her. "Ah... how about you help me support these worlds then?" "It's the anime world." He quickly added before she could reject. "You'll be able to travel into these worlds and your job is to help the plot progress and support it in the dark." "Hmmm..." What? Y/N has always been a low-key otaku. "You'll have powers and you get to go into your favorite animes." "Deal." But what he didn't tell her is that she'll have to train her powers for a fricking two months. And.... her first world is Diabolik Lovers. That just great.

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Cross Dim...
by Boredom_Overlord