Only a Secret - A J...
By blueshadowlove
  • Fanfiction
  • jeamus
  • seamuspkc
  • ssohpkc
  • thecreaturehub
  • thecreatures
  • uberhaxornova


The story of James and Seamus. The two lovers who don't know it yet. They both work for The Creatures. This is the life they chose. This is their daily effort and passion to make videos and post them on a website called Youtube. The enjoy the laughter and love they give to their fans. But, Something happens that could change their lives forever. James begins to gain feelings for Seamus. They never knew this would happen. The two of them made a pact to keep their love a secret. But, as their feelings grow stronger, can they keep themselves a secret much longer? They will need to prove their loyalties to each other and all the other Creatures. This will all be tested in Only a Secret.

Chapter 1

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Only a Se...
by blueshadowlove