The Evans Cousins m...
By Gotham007
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • brothers
  • comedy
  • cousins
  • drakeandjosh
  • family
  • karai×oc
  • ocs
  • oc×oc
  • raph×oc
  • shredder
  • teamups
  • teenagemutantninjaturtlesseries2012
  • tmnt12


Haley Evans is a guitar playing, out going, adventures and nice girl who tries to blance her music life and her family life since 5 of her cousins live at her house. So she has to help her dad with her taking care of her cousins. Cole Evans is a Punk kid who loves sarcasm, annoying his Aunt Harley,biking, flitting with girls ,Pranks, causing trouble, love Guardians of the Galaxy and adventure movie. The only good about him, is caring for his little sister Megan. What do theses two very different individual people have in common? Well there cousins. They live with each at Haley's parent's house in New York City and they don't excatly get along. But when Haley's father is kidnapped by the Foot Clan, Cole and Haley are gonna have to put thire different aside in order to find Haley's dad. But thire lives gets turned upside down when they unexpectedly meet the Turtles when they accidentally dropped the mutagen sussplies on the city. They weren't expecting the turtles to help them and the turtle's weren't excatly expecting new friends after the fallout with April. But both sides are gonna have to trust each other in order to fight a new enemy. But as they get closer to save Haley's father secrets about thire family will be revealed. Takes place in Season 2. (Raph×Oc, Karai×Oc) Co written with my cousin and brother. Warning : May not follow the scences acortely follow each episode.


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The Evans...
by Gotham007