A Railgun In Fairy...
By MisakaLovesYou
  • Fanfiction
  • fairytail
  • misakamikoto
  • toarukagakunorailgun
  • toarumajutsunoindex
  • wattys2014


Mikoto Misaka, also known as The Railgun has faced many things. Evil demonic extraterrestrials, school, evil mages, psycho scientists, angry dragons, apocalyptic dieties, soul eating hollows. But now she must face the greatest of all challenges: growing up as a half dragon. Mikoto's dragon mother Thundaarix appears one day and tells Mikoto that at 15 years of age, she is slightly overdue to take a sacred Dragon tradition known as a rite of passage where Mikoto must journey to the mountains with her mother to meet her dragon family. Fairy Tail and some of Mikoto's Soul Reaper friends tag along. However, there are some dragons who believe Mikoto is an abomination because of her human heritage...and the ceremonies become somewhat uneasy.....but then it becomes all the more threatening when it turns out one of the dragons has sold himself to Asgawrath's service. Dark eyes are watching... watching the Railgun ever so closely... plotting... waiting for her to make a fatal mistake.


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A Railgun...
by MisakaLovesYou