Fear The Reaper - M...
By WolfeyeWinter5
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • abilities
  • cat
  • dreams
  • earnestycommunity
  • mystery
  • mysteryparty2019
  • mysteryparty4
  • reaper
  • retrocognition


In 1997 a young girl went into the local school and was never seen again. It was assumed that she had gone missing between her school and home. But, even after a six-month search, no body was found, crucial evidence was missing, and any leads in the case led to the same thing - a dead end. Now many years have passed and the case has been all but forgotten in the eyes of the town's few remaining residents. It was ever apparent by the many decrepit and abandoned buildings, however, that the town had suffered greatly by the disappearance. As a teenage girl passes the old abandoned schoolhouse she is drawn towards a strange noise coming from the enclosed schoolyard, only to find a cat cowering over the bloody corpse of a young woman. Who is this woman? Why was she murdered? And what is on the curious note tucked into the cat's collar? She isn't sure, but the teen is determined to find out. ••• My entry for this year's Mystery Party, hosted by EarnestyCommunity. I hope you enjoy, and I wish all the other participants well.

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Fear The...
by WolfeyeWinter5