By nodonttalktomethanks
  • Paranormal
  • ariana
  • arianahalls
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • fighting
  • funny
  • humor
  • lovetriangle
  • magic
  • magiks
  • nocontrol
  • otherworld
  • paranormal
  • supernatural
  • weird


"It wasn't my fault!" I exclaimed. "Sure it wasn't." "It wasn't on purpose!" "Then why did you even try the spell in the first place?!" He raised his voice. "'Cause it sounded fun!" I shouted back. "Well get this into that tiny brain of yours. Don't. Do. Spells. Unless. You're supposed to!" he screamed. "My brain is not tiny!" Ash stared incredulously at me, "That's all you got out of that sentence?" --------------------------------------------------- Ariana has always dreamed of having magic. Imagine what she could do with it, she could fight back against her school bullies, and prove that she's not as worthless as everyone thinks. She knows it's hopeless though, neither of her parents have magic ruining her chances of ever being a Magik. When Ariana does the impossible, she's left confused and bewildered. She is carted off to a new school where nobody seems to get her, almost everyone seems to hate her, and to top it all off she doesn't know a single thing in any of her classes. Who is the mysterious boy that keeps appearing everywhere? Why does everyone seem to dislike Ariana? And why does everything keep getting more and more confusing?

Just a Random Day in my Life

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by nodonttalktomethanks