The Theory of Normal
By Pandaloverasdfgh
  • Adventure
  • adventure
  • death
  • gruesome
  • scifi
  • toxic


It never used to be this way. Years ago, there was sunshine and happiness around every corner. Now it is dark and dreary. You can't go five feet without running into someone that wants to hurt you. The darkness is spreading and it is impossible to escape. Soon- everyone will be corrupted. The light side will fall. We will lose all hope. It's only a matter of days now. All of us used to be happy. We all had a light inside of us. Now, the light is shattered. It lies in broken pieces while the dark smoke swirls into a tornado. We will soon be nothing but another meaningless puppet stuck in their hands. It's only a matter of days. Someday this will be gone. It might not be for centuries, but we have faith that it will fade. The darkness will leave and the sun will return. We can only hope that it will return soon. We can't last much longer. But still, it could be only be a matter of days.


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The Theor...
by Pandaloverasdfgh