A race of tiny, magical beings lives throughout Earth today. They are kirins. Dwelling in elaborate tree homes and underground sanctuaries, they enjoy a strong kinship with the animals and birds of their region. In the distant past humans knew them well. But an ancient rift occurred between the races, and kirins chose to separate themselves from humans. To help in this, kirin magicians cast a race-wide spell, the spell of no'an, making all kirins invisible to humans. Sadly, we are now unaware of their hidden civilization. For thousands of years kirins everywhere lived in peace. But an army of gronoms, merciless, faceless monsters, shatters their sylvan existence. ELAMARE, a depraved magician at Stonehenge, has sent gronoms forth. Created there, within the citadel of kirin magic, their sole function is to find and assault kirins who know of Elamare's evil conduct and how to combat it. Book One opens in the domain of tree-dwelling kirins in the central part of North America. Three kirin youngsters find OLAMIN, an aged kirin magician, moribund in the forest. The youngsters are GILIN, a determined lad, TALLI, a spirited girl, and REYDEL, a shy young lass.