Alice Returns
By TracyVN
  • Adventure
  • alice
  • alice-in-wonderland
  • boy
  • cute
  • death
  • girl
  • hatter
  • kiss
  • london
  • love
  • mad
  • rabbit
  • romance


In the great scheme of things; everything is to die. Do not even try to prevaricate it. And you certainly cannot contradict death. It's completely foolish and absurd. And so to say, for life to come to an end; Alice always believed that you were to die a beautiful way at that; a death so brilliant, you shone brighter than the light you have lived. Brighter than any star or smile. To be brilliant and vivacious before your final call. For humans, to be like stars on Earth. Alice Valesc, was labeled as a Girl Of Madness in London.With no memory whatsoever happened her, she could not explain the unexplained things that had happened to her. Forced to see the man who courted her sister, Quinn, Dr. Harest, after two months - she had no sign of improvement in her brain or mental stability. Quinn, outraged, under the belief that Alice's 'madness' was all an act to ruin her reputation, threatens to send her to the asylum. But of course, her madness strikes again as a bloody girl, with Rabbit Ears and glass-like skin came to capture her to Wonderland- where which was once Alice's refuge, was now in ruins and tyranny. The King Of Hearts, has sent a doll to kidnap Alice, to have her as his wife. Memories lost, forgotten romance, love, and alliances, everything that was once Alice's- is now scattered around Wonderland. To prove her sanity, and to escape this slaughterhouse that is Wonderland, Alice must recapture her memories. But task after another, the ruler of Wonderland threatens to destroy Wonderland, and doing so would kill Alice. For she is bound to Wonderland - Wonderland is her mind, and heart, and best of all, her refuge. Alice must rediscover the man she had once loved, who she cannot remember, her ties to the White Queen who is missing, and her role as the player of chess - everyone is her chess piece, and she is playing against Death. Checkmate.

The Backdrop ♠ Before The Prologue

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Alice Ret...
by TracyVN