Earth X
By OliverQueen87
  • Action
  • book
  • comedy
  • comic
  • comics
  • dc
  • deadpool
  • humor
  • superhero


Who the fuck do I love? What the fuck do I hate? I hate a lot of things but only love few. Nature is beautiful, it always has been ever since God created it in the garden of Eden. Nature was perfect, humans well not so much. From the beginning we have been evil liars who hate others and think we are perfect. I hate most people, not because I want to. But it's because I have hoped in people my entire life and they have always let me down. The only people I love is not just people that is still in my life but people that I have let down. They never let me down but I have always and still continue to let them down. My love is actually rooted in guilt. I blame myself for a lot of things, I always put myself down and say that I am not a good enough person because I have always let people down who loved me. I try to find a way to release my anger and guilt so I have taken the mantle of X I will protect my city from every darkness that comes our way and I will end every corrupt person and their empires in my city. PS. I'm not your beloved Batman or Flash type of hero. I kill people, and I love every second of it. I protect this city and those that I love in my own fucked up way.

Pt-1) Introduction

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Earth X
by OliverQueen87