Stay With Me
By Eeljeee
  • Teen Fiction
  • asaran
  • cebu
  • fate
  • love
  • stay
  • stranger
  • strong


Nayeli Avalon Dawson stayed in Cebu where her Grandma lives. Nayeli was not having a hard time to live in Cebu yet, she's having a hard time to make someone she loves, love her back She tends to get everything she wants on her way. She thinks everything she planned goes well, not until her heart broke apart when this someone she loves reject her but Eulysis Gemarino came Eulysis who has the same personality as hers. And everytime their paths cross, riot is present. They tend to annoy each other to the core Someone should win and someone should lose between them Not until they fall in love to each other all along. Eulysis and Nayeli's relationship will be tested in a way they did not expected, but she knew of it all along

Stay With Me

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Stay With...
by Eeljeee