Fast Cars
By Kmcarter0629
  • Teen Fiction
  • cars
  • dillon
  • family
  • fast
  • furious
  • hunter
  • racing


Dillon Torrietto is a regular ordinary 16 year old living in a nice small coastal town in California. She was raised by her big brother, Vincent, after both her parents died. Vincent tried his best but bring your baby sister with you to work, which is a mechanics shop, you quickly learn that your sweet innocent sister has turned into a spitfire, loudmouth, sailor cursing, teenage girl. Dillon also has a secret ever since she was 13, she has been illegally street racing, thanks to her brother. Not having very many girly friends, Dillon has turned into a tom-boy with no girly side. Until a new bad boy shows up in town looking for work at the shop, the same shop you have helped run for years. Will Dillon Torrietto fall for the bad boys bad ways? Or will she become good just for him? Find out in Fast Cars.


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Fast Cars
by Kmcarter0629