Percy Jackson and T...
By Adrina_Loves_Sea
  • Teen Fiction
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • imagination
  • ocs
  • stuff


(Just to clarify, this happens during the series, not after.) Percy Jackson is the Son of Poseidon. He just got over the shock of having a cyclops brother and his life is surprisingly normal. Until the day when he wakes up to see his best friend Grover, a sayter (Sorry if I misspelled it) and his brother Tyson, a cyclops, riding on the back of a Pegasus (once again with the spelling.) Now Percy finds out that he has another sibling, a half blood. And they have to find this Child of Poseidon before Luke does. They find the kid and find out that it's a 13 year old girl named Mira. They take her to the camp, but it's not long before they are all sent on a mission. Now Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Mira have to race to stop Luke from freeing Kronos and destroying Olympus. Will they complete their quest? Or will they Kronos be freed and Olympus destroyed? Sorry! Suckish summary is suckish.

Percy Jackson and The Daughter of the Sea

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Percy Jac...
by Adrina_Loves_Sea