By joannlvrs
  • Teen Fiction
  • death
  • eulogy
  • faith
  • family
  • friendship
  • sliceoflife


Eulogy ;plural noun: euglogies A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, especially a tribute to someone who has just died. Joelle, 16, had recently passed away due to an unexplainable disease she had carried for her 16 years of living. She was the light of the neighborhood she lived. She had superpowers that could make the whole neighborhood feel they belonged together. At school, she was not that popular. She was in a band but still the fame was not her's. She had her inner circle though. After her death, things were not the same as it used to be. People who had knew Joelle very well were grieving. Even the ones who weren't that close to her, too, felt empty after her death. This story consists of eulogies from people who were and weren't that close to Joelle. Their stories about Joelle really explains the real her. The real her she was hiding all these times. _____________________________________________ Hello! I'm back with a story I've been looking forward to publish. This story is more of a treasure to me, I relate most of my experience in life in it. It's actually a point of view of me, as Joelle. I was always curious about how would people react to my death and the things that I've done that would make them remember me forever.. Ava Dellaira's Love Letters To The Dead had gave me the inspiration to write the eulogies and turn it into someone's story. I really love the idea of writing stories in letters.

Before Joelle's Departure From Life

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by joannlvrs