Quest: New Haven El...
By ElfenIsland
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • romance
  • six
  • teen


(First Draft) Series 1, Book 6 After the rebellion against Kendra Charmaine and her children, the most notable residents of New Haven found some time to relax and get to know their new friend; Max, at least until Jonah Hayes reveals his identity as the God of Fire; The Heat. He reveals information about four gates located in the North and South American continents, and how one was destroyed. As a result, the group splits to see the status of two of the gates, one in Canada, the other in Brazil. As they take on this unprecedented quest, they don't realize a foe that will cause great trouble for them in the future, is also on the move to find the same two gates. Now, not only do they not know they're in a race to the gates against their newest adversaries, the group also has yet to discover what lies behind these gates that makes them so important... (Cover and plot concept by my friend Laura)

I. Settling In

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Quest: Ne...
by ElfenIsland