What a Teenage Girl...
By PoisonRosethekiller
  • Teen Fiction
  • anxiety
  • bisexual
  • depression
  • journey
  • mature
  • suicidal
  • teen
  • teenager
  • teenfiction
  • weed


We've all been there. Our teenage years. The highlight of our youth. However, it doesn't feel like that. Follow Toby along in her Journey through her teenage years and into her adulthood, as she battles depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder all at once. With an abusive father, a mother who does not care, a sister who assaults her, and a clueless grandmother, things don't play out as Toby would hope. Will she survive her teenage years with courage and confidence? Or will she give up and continue to let everyone step on her until she dies? (Based on a true story) *DISCLAIMER* This story contains graphic language, minors involved in illegal activities, and sexual references. I have no intention to encourage such actions into minors, but to spread the word of this story.

Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Faces

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What a Te...
by PoisonRosethekiller