Birds of a Feather...
By TMNTlover152
  • Adventure
  • canonxcanon
  • disney
  • donaldduck
  • ducktales2017
  • humanversions
  • josecarioca
  • legendofthethreecaballeros
  • ocstory
  • ocxcanon
  • panchitopistoles


(Keep in mind that all characters here will be human versions of characters from Legend of the Three Caballeros and Ducktales 2017 to avoid any confusion) Being the Rosefinch from Norway was tough for Alyanna once she had moved to America in the city of Duckburg with her family. She got used to being teased and mocked for being different but as she continued growing up she had found the Three Caballeros. She never met them in person, but when she first heard of them, they were around the same age as her. The way they performed in front of crowds of people, helping those in need alongside the Goddess Xandra, and working together as if they were Birds of a Feather. She saw them as her heroes, her idols, she had a lifelong dream of meeting them ever since she was 12. But for her peers? The dream was absurd, downright ridiculous. How could the Rosefinch from Norway possibly meet those guys Well, for Aly, it was kinda fun to do the impossible.

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Birds of...
by TMNTlover152