Diary of the Violet...
By Janessa_Hill18
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • fantasy
  • hybrid
  • lovehaterelationship
  • luna
  • mate
  • obsession
  • werewolf
  • witch


I'm Lianna Ebrell and you're about to embark on a journey with me. One where no one really knows what could happen. You see I'm a werewolf. I know "big whoop" right? You've probably heard of or read about us. Most likely seen us portrayed on TV shows. Well, they sorta got us wrong. The books might be more accurate. I don't know I haven't read them all. Yes, we do have packs, I'm the Alpha of the Howlstone Pack. Our pack used to be known for being just and trustworthy. Back in the old days before my brother took over. Now I am working to bring us back to the good old days. However, I'm much more than just a werewolf, I just so happen to be a hybrid. No, I'm not a part vampire; those don't exist. That would just be completely ridiculous, you know? In my case, I'm a witch. You know magical powers that come from harnessing energy. There are only two of us hybrids alive and lucky for me the other wants to kill me. Before you jump to conclusions no this is not a diary of how we fall in love. Been there and done that not going back. This is a journey of failed plans, rule-breaking, large cages, a shitty past, and trying to survive an Alpha male for a supposed "soul mate" until I can escape him...oh and trying to beat the bad guy. You know normal stuff.


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Diary of...
by Janessa_Hill18