Hope Reborn [Sequel...
By CrazyKindaGurl
  • Paranormal
  • mystery
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • twin


**Warning: do not read this summary or book if you are planning on reading Hope Everlasting, due to spoilers!** After surviving a brutal rape attack, and later dead twin sisters threatening to ransack her life, all 21 year old Ashlynn Carter wants is some normality. Five years on, after the events which almost cost her and her friends everything, and killed Sadie Matthews, Ashlynn is just starting to settle down. Her daughter, Hope - entirely different to her name sake - is a normal, healthy kindergarten child, with no idea of the horrors lurking in her Mother's shadowy past. Working from home as an artist, and living with Cory and Dylan McKinnon, the brothers who went through everything with her and have their own dark backstories, Ashlynn slowly begins to heal her mental scars, and move on from everything. But just as she thinks the whole business with evil, ghost avenging spirits is over, Hope begins to show signs. Small things, at first; like knowing things only her deceased Aunt could, and seeing the mysterious lady who 'looks like Mommy.' Before they know it, the Carters and McKinnons are thrown right back into the world of darkness and spirits, where danger like never before lurks around every corner. A plot is being formed; a plot to make terrible things happen, making Ashlynn and everyone she cares about at a horrifying risk. But when it comes down to it, what will she choose? Will Ashlynn stand her ground, and risk everyone she loves dying? Or will she be too selfless, protecting those she loves, and making a sacrifice; giving in to the terrible forces against her. Find out, in Hope Reborn.

Hope Reborn [Sequel to Hope Everlasting]

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Hope Rebo...
by CrazyKindaGurl