Isaac Foster x he/s...
By TheBestIsGames
  • Fanfiction
  • explicitlanguage


Update I changed the gender of the reader( in sooner chapters because I'm lazy) to a 'them' because I can and I wanted to. You don't know how you ended up there nor do you know why your there you just are and that made you even more confusted. All you know is that you are in a strange building. You wanted to get out. In a blink of an eye you stod upp and started to look around for an exit you found it and it was an elevator. You Went into the elevator and there was only the button to go upp. You pressed it. And that was one of your wost and best choices in your life. (sorry if my English is bad and this is my first fanfiction and i know i alredy suck =3) ps: me no own Angels of Death.)

Epilog-First chapter

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Isaac Fos...
by TheBestIsGames