My Medicine
By Aneva_Monnier
  • Teen Fiction
  • aneva
  • clarette
  • eddison
  • monnier
  • mymedicine


To Eddison, It's been approximately five months and there has been no sign of you, so I'm writing this to get something off my chest and hopefully move on. Clearly you have, otherwise, we would be talking right this very second and joking around like usual. I'm not mad or angry, but I am rather befuddled. We were good friends who tried to really make our friendship work despite our differences, and now it's like we're strangers. For the first two months, I kept making excuses and thinking that you were gone for just a bit to handle some life problems, but now I fear you've really left me. Whatever the reason is, I hope you are okay and doing well in life. I hope you manage to pursue your dream and finally attain happiness. The memories we have had together is something I will always deeply cherish. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for saving me without realizing it. Love, Clarette

My Medicine

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My Medici...
by Aneva_Monnier