Wild Kratts: To Cat...
By Vyxxxen
  • Horror
  • avivaxkoki
  • chriskratt
  • chrisxmartin
  • darkfic
  • darkfiction
  • indonesia
  • kaviva
  • kokixaviva
  • krattcest
  • kuntilanak
  • malaysia
  • martinkratt
  • martinxchris
  • originalfemalecharacter
  • originalmalecharacter
  • pontianak
  • temple
  • vampirehunters
  • vampires
  • writtenwithpride


Koki has become aware that the Kratts crew is full of secrets. Aviva has two secrets: she's pregnant. And also involved with Koki. Even though she and Koki are in love, Aviva refuses to tell Koki who the father is . And she has forbidden Koki from telling Chris or Martin about her condition. Chris and Martin are also secretly involved. On an excursion to the jungle in Indonesia, the Wild Kratts become trapped in the jungle. Any plan to get out is hampered by into a group of local Vampire hunters who claim one person in their party will turn into a pontianak, penanggalan, or langsur. Things start to get desperate. And a storm is coming.

Chapter One

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Wild Krat...
by Vyxxxen