Superhero Academy
By TommyStalder
  • Science Fiction
  • actualheroes
  • eminy
  • hero-ing
  • training


A handful of heroes-in-training are, obviously, training to become actual heroes!!! They are separated into groups of three to determine their strength. The most powerful heroes that seems like they have already trained for many years are joining as well!!! How will our heroes keep up!?!? Will they achieve their dream of becoming actual heroes??? Or will they be dropped from the academy??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As cool as it sounds, it gets better. This story has six main characters, but it's probably boring to have to read through five others just to get to your favorite. So each section is titled with the characters name (hero name) so you can read one characters story at a time! Although you might like this, completely ignoring one character is probably a bad idea, since they intertwine. And some of them have very suspicious plot lines. All of them have a different story and different ending, but all of them are far from boring

Season 1: The World Council

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by TommyStalder