A Paused Heart
By Silent-Believer
  • Teen Fiction


What does it take to fall in love? is it money? popularity? beauty? or is it perhaps................. A heart? This is a story of a teenage boy who finds himself unable to fall in love despite being really popular and surrounded by girls. "Is it possible that love is a thing of imaginations and not feelings? is it possible that all the couples out there are only pretending to feel love for their partners when the reality is that they dont? or is it possible that my heart doesn't feel a thing?" is what he always asks himself. He later joins the camping club in his school only to meet with the last girl he ran away from. The story tells about his life with the many girls surrounding him as he tries to fall in love with either one of them. What will unfold in his youthful quest for love?

Vol.1 Heart 1.

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A Paused...
by Silent-Believer