Yearning for a Bull...
By ElsaQuinn
  • Romance
  • action
  • blood
  • boss
  • death
  • friendship
  • gambling
  • guns
  • life
  • love
  • mafia
  • murder
  • reality
  • realization
  • relationship
  • revenge
  • romance
  • suspense
  • thriller
  • underworld


The gun of underworld passed on by generations. A legacy to rule running through the veins. A sense of justice, a responsibility towards the gangsters and a storm to tear down every rule, every chain binding her and breaking through all the boundaries to emerge as the new Boss. This is the story of Wyetta, a force that will turn both the worlds upside down and a tale that will touch upon the delicate friendship of a Mafia Boss and her upright friend- an officer. How will their lives turn out when they find out each other's identities? What will she do when she finds out the man she has been keeping by her side is in fact the spy sent to kill her? How many ways she will plot to torture him for his betrayal? What will he chose when on one side his friendship weighs him down and on the other his vow to fulfill his duties no matter the circumstances hold him guilty? How long will they have to endure before one of them has to die...?

A Week Granted for Fun

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by ElsaQuinn