By Bosslayer
  • General Fiction
  • fabel
  • grandfather
  • prologue
  • siblings
  • storytelling


Please note that this novel is unfinished but still has lots done. I shall publish one chapter every so often (Mainly every day). I just wish to have some readers and for good spread. Morality, It's what defines a person in this age. Some are just known as the mean person on the block, while others are a shining example of Humanity's Greatness. But there are people who commit superhuman acts, some use those abilities for upholding the great, while some others use it for their own desires. That's how we come to our Models of Morality, Heroes and Villains. Most see it black and white. When you're good, you're flawless in your actions and feats, while the Evil is the irredeemable scum of life that wish for their own lustful desires, yet karma always keeps them down. It can be true for some, but most are far from that. Heroes can be as hateful as Some Villains, while Some Villains can be greatly misunderstood. not all heroes are Superman, not all Villains are Satan, you can never know in a world of infinite Possibilities. I'd like to tell you a story about a great adventure from a great Conflict, and I want to see what you can think of with this new information, will you still keep in mind your previous knowledge of Evil, or will you maybe turn a new leaf upon this knowledge?


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by Bosslayer