  • Mystery / Thriller
  • action
  • apocalypse
  • bl
  • french
  • horror
  • lgbtq
  • mystery
  • romance
  • sliceoflife
  • suspense
  • zombies


The star. The focus. The limelight. The money. The fame. All of it was Houiae's dream. To be in the limelight. For everyone to have their eyes glued to him. Glued to what he could do. Glued to his abilities. He lived for it. The fame, the money. That sweet feel of winning every time. Athletic and social, Houiae Yen Namaki is as popular as they come. Hundreds of people gawking at his fame. Jealous of his success. He roamed the halls with a pep in his step, and a strong beat in his heart. No matter how screwed up things were at home, he was already ready for the next photo shoot. Everyone bowed down to him or felt his wrath. He was called King of France. A bold title, but more than accurate. But all that changes. All of it is slipped from under him in the blink of an eye. The world plummets into Hell on Earth. The apocalypse. And he finds out he's fallen for a boy who wants nothing to do with him. Falling in love in the middle of struggling to breathe each day? What a joke. He didn't fall for people, people fell for him. Love and horror seem to mix in this story for worlds, as Houiae finds out his self, and learns his limits, with the help of Lucien. The dark boy he hated with no life whatsoever in his face.

Infinetly Black Sockets

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by QuestionINFINITY