His whole life Draco has felt as though he did not have a choice. Imprisoned by his bloodline and now the mark that burns on his forearm, Draco turns to any source of comfort he can find. And when Luna Lovegood, one of the only people to ever show him kindness is held captive in his home, Draco strikes up an unlikely friendship with her. Luna helps Draco come into his own, and accept himself for who he is, and when more of his ex peers from hogwarts show up, Draco makes a daring escape and accompanied them to shell cottage. Trying his best to redeem his actions, and with Luna's help, Draco and Harry Potter begin to get closer. This Story is basically my happy fantasy about what could have happened if things had gone slightly different. It is very much a Drarry fic with lots of lovely moments between all of the characters. I obviously do not own any of these characters, and the majority of the story line is also thanks to J.K Rowling :)
Chapter One