Defying Love
By KookieKream
  • Romance
  • boy
  • brothers
  • japanese
  • love


Sophia Grace comes from a well-rounded strict family household. With a strict and stern father and a loving, compassionate mother everything balanced out, however it restricted Sophia’s interaction with the opposite gender. At age 17, Sophia is used to it all; going to SAGE private school only for the rich and wealthy and studying day in and day out to be number one in the ranks of SAGE was the daily routine. However, when a close friend of her parents suddenly needs a home to live in, Sophia’s routine is shaken up and spit on as she meets Chikako and her two sons, Akihiko and Akihiro. Suddenly, Sophia can finally interact with some boys, but she soon learns that she was better off leaving the opposite gender classified as unknown. With no choice but to live with these boys for six months straight, Sophia is forced to make a decision. To succumb and slave away the six months to Akihiko, the elder of the two brothers, or to stand up for the rights to freely parade in her booty shorts whenever and wherever in her own damn house.

Defying Love

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Defying L...
by KookieKream